Partner with us

Would you consider joining us on our journey by one or more of the following ways:

  • By praying for us
  • Host an event at your home, small group or church to share with people about our ministry or about mission aviation
  • Receive our newsletters to keep in touch with our news.
  • By giving financially.  MAF requires all staff to have financial supporters whose gifts allow this ministry to occur and pays the salary of the workers. You can now donate online through the secure MAF website.

Why do we ask for financial support?
Mission Aviation Fellowship is a non-profit organisation that rely on donations to keep operating.  As staff of MAF, we are required to raise $65,000 per annum which is what it costs MAF to keep us operating in Mareeba. It benefits us as missionaries because we believe that financial supporters are most likely prayer supporters as well.  So the more people we have on board, the better.

This gauge indicates on the left how our monthly financial support is going.  Currently we are at 61% We thank all of you who have jumped on board and supporting us in this way. Your generosity allows us to continue this work bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to the world.

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