
Well with the internet filing up with pictures of children’s first days of school this week, i thought i would add to the trend too. Sam and i began doing some homeschool preschool this week.


We’re using the Sonlight curriculum as someone kindly gave us the books to use and adding bits and pieces along the way. Sam seems to enjoy it, but often insists on doing it “MY WAY”. There have been moments already when i feel like one preschooler is trickier than a whole class full of teenagers…. but it has been fun. This week we learnt about winter, yes, not totally a relevant topic as we sweltered under the air conditioner. Sam enjoyed making a winter scene and played with some fake snow, made from bi carb soda and hair conditioner, for over an hour yesterday.



He has insisted upon wearing his Numbulwar school shirt as his uniform. This shirt has sat in his cupboard for nearly two years as he was given it as a 2 year old when it was far too big for him. But now it fits great!

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Next week it is time to learn about Spring!